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Archive of 2008-2014

SPrKL Past Projects


BC Lake Stewardship Society Sechi Disc Reading

  • LOCATION  Middle of Kal Lake

  • PARTICIPANTS  SPrKL Students and Volunteers

  • TIMELINE  Spring - Fall 2008-Sept.2014 (ongoing)

Kalamalka Quilt Raffle

  • QUILTER  Linda Garrett

  • LOCATION  Vernon, BC

  • FUNDS RAISED: $700.00

  • QUILT WINNER: Bill Martin

  • TIMELINE: Spring/Summer 2009

Adopt-A-Stream Clean-Up

  • CREEK  Coldstream Creek

  • LOCATION  Creekside Park in Coldstream, BC

  • PARTICIPANTS: SPrKL Students and Volunteers

  • SIGNIFICANCE  Main Kalamalka Lake Tributary

  • TIMELINE  2010-2014 (yearly ongoing)

Vernon Sunshine Festival

  • LOCATION  Downtown Vernon

  • PARTICIPANTS: SPrKL Students and Volunteers

  • SIGNIFICANCE:  Outreach and Education

  • TIMELINE: June 2009-2014 (yearly ongoing)


Halloween Soiree

  • LOCATION: Okanagan College Kalamalka Campus Cafeteria

  • PARTICIPANTS: SPrKL Members, General Public,  Catered by Gumtree Catering, Music by Let’s Dance DJ Services , Entertainment by the wonderful Company B Dancers

  • SIGNIFICANCE:  Fun and Fund Raising

  • FUNDS RAISED: $1500.00

  • TIMELINE:  October 2010

Restoration of Coldstream Creek Between Kirkland Drive and McClounie Road

  • LOCATION  Coldstream, BC

  • FUNDING: District of Coldstream, Environment Canada, EBA, A Tetra Tech Company, Swan lake Nursery, Crystal Classic Exteriors

  • PARTICIPANTS: SPrKL Students and Volunteers, District of Coldstream Staff. Mayor of Coldstream, Coldstream Residents

  • SIGNIFICANCE:  Over 400 riparian shrubs and trees planted at Creekside Park and 11 residences, free planting workshop, educational signage

  • TIMELINE  May 2010 - September 2011

Earth Day: Kidston School Kalavista Lagoon Field Trip

  • LOCATION  Kalavista Lagoon, Log House, Kalavista Boat Loach, Kal Beach

  • PARTICIPANTS: SPrKL Members, Kidston School Teachers and Students

  • FUNDING: RBC Blue Water

  • SIGNIFICANCE: Lake and Wetland Education, Riparian Planting along Kalavista Lagoon

  • TIMELINE:  Spring 2011

SUP (Stand Up Paddleboard) BBQ

  • LOCATION: Log House

  • PARTICIPANTS: Kalavida Suppers and Friends

  • SIGNIFICANCE: Outreach

  • TIMELINE:  Summer 2011

Kal Park 25th Anniversary

  • LOCATION  Juniper Bay

  • PARTICIPANTS: Community Groups, MoE Parks Staff, General Public

  • SIGNIFICANCE: Outreach

  • TIMELINE:  June 2011

BCLSS Lake Keepers Course

2011 Lake Keepers Course Wood Lake
  • LOCATION  Wood Lake

  • PARTICIPANTS: Government Staff, SPrKL Directors, General Public

  • SIGNIFICANCE: Education

  • TIMELINE:  September 2011

Rivers Day Celebrations

  • LOCATION:  Creekside Park, Coldstream BC

  • PARTICIPANTS:  RDNO, SPrKL, General Public

  • TIMELINE: September 2011

  • SIGNIFICANCE: Weed ID and Removal, Riparian Planting

Kalavista Lagoon Noxious Weed Removal

  • LOCATION:  Kalavista Lagoon (Across from Alexanders)


  • TIMELINE: October 2011

  • SIGNIFICANCE: Weed ID and Removal of 265 kg of Yellow Flag Iris!

Adopt-A-Stream Clean-Up

  • CREEK  Coldstream Creek

  • LOCATION  Creekside Park in Coldstream, BC

  • PARTICIPANTS: SPrKL Students and Volunteers

  • SIGNIFICANCE  Noxious Weed Removal and Creek Sampling Training

  • DATE:  April 22, 2012

Vernon Sunshine Festival 2012

  • LOCATION  Downtown Vernon

  • PARTICIPANTS: SPrKL Students and Volunteers

  • SIGNIFICANCE:  Outreach and Education

  • DATE:  June 16 2012

SPrKL Wetland Clean-up

  • LOCATION  Next to RDNO Office, Coldstream BC

  • PARTICIPANTS: SPrKL Volunteers and Community Members

  • SIGNIFICANCE:  Wetland clean-up, outreach

  • DATE:  June 16-18 2012

Kalavida Surf Shop’s Surf and Turf Stand-up Movie Night to Benefit SPrKL

  • LOCATION  Towne Theatre, Downtown Vernon

  • PARTICIPANTS: Kalavida Surf Shop, SPrKL Volunteers, Enbridge Pipeline Protesters

  • SIGNIFICANCE:  Outreach, Awareness

  • DATE:  June 21, 2012

Spirit Paddle

  • TIME: 10:00 am - 2:00 (ish) pm

  • LOCATION  Kal Beach


  • SIGNIFICANCE  Non-motorized paddle (parade!) from Kal Beach to Rattler Snake Point and Back to promote human-powered water travel.

  • DATE:  September, 2. 2012


Various Events From Sring 2013- August, 2013

  • Creekside Park Clean-up Spring/Fall 2013

  • RDNO Wetland Clean-up April 22 2013

  • Vernon Sunshine Fest June 18 2013

  • Sechi Disc Sampling Spring-Fall 2013

  • Kal Classic - SPrKL benefits from generous Kalavida Surf Shop Donation August 30th-31, 2013

  • Spirit Paddle Labour Day Long Weekend  2013

  • SPrKL AGM September 2013

Kalavista Log House Park and Kalavista Lagoon- BC Wildlife Federation Summer Camp

  • LOCATION:  Kalavista Lagoon (Across from Alexanders)

  • PARTICIPANTS: BC Wildlife Federation, SPrKL members

  • TIMELINE: July 2014

  • SIGNIFICANCE: Education on ecological sensitivity of Kalavista Lagoon, Noxious weeds, Kal Lake Drinking Water Reservoir, Invasive mussels and threats to the native species and habitat.

Kala Star Academy Fundraiser & Education

  • LOCATION:  Kal Beach

  • PARTICIPANTS:  Brad Swanson - Kala Star Academy, SPrKL members

  • TIMELINE: April - June 2014

  • SIGNIFICANCE: Educational presentation  given in April 2014 to Grade 5 students - they raised money and presented it to SPrKL.

Sunshine Festival 2014

  • LOCATION:  Downtown Vernon

  • PARTICIPANTS:  Bishop Wild Bird Sanctuary, Allan Brooks, and SPrKL members

  • TIMELINE: June 2014

  • SIGNIFICANCE: Yearly community event raises awareness and educates the public on watershed protection and conservation issues.

3rd Annual Spirit Paddle (2014)

  • LOCATION: Kal Beach to Jade Bay

  • PARTICIPANTS:  The Earth Sisters, Splatsin Indian Band, SPrKL members

  • TIMELINE: Sept.1, 2014

  • SIGNIFICANCE: Education, appreciation and awareness of the Lake

January 1

Archive of 2015 Projects, Events & Photos